Hosta Show filters Hide filters Catalog Wholesale Growers (131) Clear selection (1) Singular Unit Bare Root (131) Clear selection Bloom Height 6" / 15 cm (6) 10" / 25 cm (2) 10-14”/ 25-35 cm (2) 12" / 30 cm (2) 12-14" / 30-40 cm (2) 12-16" / 30-40 cm (2) 12”/ 35 cm (4) 14" / 35 cm (8) 14-18" / 35-45 cm (2) 16" / 40 cm (24) 16-18” / 40-45 cm (2) 18" / 45 cm (20) 20" / 50 cm (14) 22" / 55 cm (4) 24" / 60 cm (12) 26" / 65 cm (6) 28" / 70 cm (2) 32" / 80 cm (2) 40" / 100 cm (4) More Clear selection Light Requirements Shade (131) Sun (131) Clear selection Bloom Time Late Spring to Late Summer (131) Clear selection Size I (120) II (11) Clear selection Packaged in 25 (60) 150 (4) 250 (56) 400 (11) More Clear selection Zone 3 (131) 4 (131) 5 (131) 6 (131) 7 (131) 8 (131) More Clear selection Uses Heat and slug resistant (131) Clear selection Shipping Time Frame Spring (131) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 24 of 131 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: 123456 Next Hosta Abiqua Drinking Gourd | 25 pceHosta of the year 2014! Heavily textured attractive cup shaped dark blue-green foliage. Highly slug tolerant. White flowers.In stock starting from $ 45.50 $ 1.82 each WishlistMore info Order now I 25 Hosta Abiqua Drinking Gourd | 250 pceHosta of the year 2014! Heavily textured attractive cup shaped dark blue-green foliage. Highly slug tolerant. White flowers.Currently not available starting from $ 345.00 $ 1.38 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta Albomarginata | 400 pceCurrently not available $ 376.00 $ 0.94 each WishlistMore info II 400 Hosta Amazone | 25 pceHeart shaped leaves have wide, pure white centers and dark green margins, vigorous variety. Soft lavender flowers.Currently not available starting from $ 124.50 $ 4.98 each WishlistMore info I 25 Hosta Amazone | 250 pceHeart shaped leaves have wide, pure white centers and dark green margins, vigorous variety. Soft lavender flowers.Currently not available starting from $ 995.00 $ 3.98 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta August Moon | 25 pceLarge rounded, golden puckered leaves, near white flowers. Rapid growing variety.Currently not available starting from $ 40.50 $ 1.62 each WishlistMore info I 25 Hosta August Moon | 250 pceLarge rounded, golden puckered leaves, near white flowers. Rapid growing variety.Currently not available starting from $ 310.00 $ 1.24 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta Aureomarginata | 25 pceDark green, yellow edged leaves, lavender flowers. Great for mass plantings.Currently not available starting from $ 40.50 $ 1.62 each WishlistMore info I 25 Hosta Aureomarginata | 250 pceDark green, yellow edged leaves, lavender flowers. Great for mass plantings.Currently not available starting from $ 310.00 $ 1.24 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta Ben Vernooy | 25 pceThick, intense blue leaves with a very wide yellow edge. Tetraploid sport of the popular variety ‘First Frost’.Currently not available starting from $ 105.50 $ 4.22 each WishlistMore info I 25 Hosta Ben Vernooy | 250 pceThick, intense blue leaves with a very wide yellow edge. Tetraploid sport of the popular variety ‘First Frost’.Currently not available starting from $ 820.00 $ 3.28 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta Big Daddy | 25 pceDeep blue heavy textured foliage with white flowers. Good for larger containers.In stock starting from $ 58.00 $ 2.32 each WishlistMore info Order now I 25 Hosta Big Daddy | 250 pceDeep blue heavy textured foliage with white flowers. Good for larger containers.Currently not available starting from $ 455.00 $ 1.82 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta Big Daddy | 400 pceCurrently not available $ 544.00 $ 1.36 each WishlistMore info II 400 Hosta Blue Angel | 150 pceLarge blue leaves, white flower clusters. Extremely large Hosta, great for large containers.Currently not available starting from $ 324.00 $ 2.16 each WishlistMore info I 150 Hosta Blue Angel | 25 pceLarge blue leaves, white flower clusters. Extremely large Hosta, great for large containers.Currently not available starting from $ 65.50 $ 2.62 each WishlistMore info I 25 Hosta Blue Angel | 400 pceCurrently not available $ 584.00 $ 1.46 each WishlistMore info II 400 Hosta Blue Cadet | 25 pceLavender blue flowers on rounded blue green leaves. Compact growing and sun tolerant variety.In stock starting from $ 45.50 $ 1.82 each WishlistMore info Order now I 25 Hosta Blue Cadet | 250 pceLavender blue flowers on rounded blue green leaves. Compact growing and sun tolerant variety.Currently not available starting from $ 340.00 $ 1.36 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta Blue Ivory PBR | 25 pceBlue leaves with wide creamy/ white margins. In summer, margins brighten to white and center turns to blue-green. Lavender flowers.Currently not available starting from $ 124.50 $ 4.98 each WishlistMore info I 25 Hosta Blue Ivory PBR | 250 pceBlue leaves with wide creamy/ white margins. In summer, margins brighten to white and center turns to blue-green. Lavender flowers.Currently not available starting from $ 995.00 $ 3.98 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta Blue Mouse Ears | 25 pceBlue symmetric rounded leaves with lavender flowers in early summer. A very compact variety.Currently not available starting from $ 45.50 $ 1.82 each WishlistMore info I 25 Hosta Blue Mouse Ears | 250 pceBlue symmetric rounded leaves with lavender flowers in early summer. A very compact variety.Currently not available starting from $ 345.00 $ 1.38 each WishlistMore info I 250 Hosta Brim Cup | 25 pceDark green cupped leaves with creamy white margins, lavender flowers.Currently not available starting from $ 58.00 $ 2.32 each WishlistMore info I 25 123456 Next